Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Today's Gratitude

I woke up in a warm bed in a nice rental home. The sun is shining and it is not windy. My little cat greeted me warmly this morning. I had a nice breakfast of rice milk and Barbara's Shredded Oats. Will take my vitamins. Will get outside soon. Will have a warm shower and get dressed before that. Have a computer to type this blog. Look forward to going for a long walk by the beach today or at least a walk around town. Tonight I get to watch American Idol and vote for one of the three remaining left. Grateful to have a TV and a phone. Grateful my kids are doing okay for today and so am I. Grateful for friends I have in my town and online friends. too. So I will end this blog with the saying I heard years back that says "Have a nice day unless you've made other plans."