Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Cat Begging For People Food

My cat has this real expensive cat food he eats. He is very healthy and fed new food and water daily. He still has an obsession with the refrigerator. Here he is sitting in the chair next to the fridge totally begging with his wide open eyes. He has to watch his weight, so we try not to give in to his begging. He learned the art of begging from our two dachshunds he was raised with when he was a kitten. He reminds me of this famous cat if you want to take a look at this:


Unknown said...

I like your paragraph titled "Spelling And Grammar Errors" my crazy cats beg for human food too, they go crazy when I cook chicken.

namesconnie said...

I have two cats. This one is the begger cat and the other one is the one who just wants you to brush and pet her all day long. She wants you to let her in and out of the house all day, too. Would get a cat door but we live in a rural type area and the cats would bring in too many of their catches and dump them on the carpet. I would rather their prey be left on the porch instead. Oh, and my cat that begs even begs for broccoli or spinach leaves. LOL