Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Gas prices and grocery prices

Lived fifty years. Seen many things. The first landing on the moon and now photos from Mars. And now this high gas pricing. The price of gas is way out of hand. I am not even sure how people are going to make it. Saw $4.35 a gallon today as the latest price. I can hardly believe that. I am not sure what people are going to do in winter time when we have to pay for our oil bills to heat our homes. The latest price for 75 gallons of heating fuel was $316.00 about a month ago. The heating system in my home uses a gallon an hour. What a high cost to heat my home. I can hardly believe it.

I really wonder what some families are going to do. I sure hope we have some changes in our society. We already are aware of this heating cost and will put on sweaters and turn it off at night and just bundle up with lots of blankets. So many things are going up in prices especially groceries. I am doing much more home cooking and don't buy much already made stuff anymore. It saves money.

I think we all are going to have to really budget our money very carefully. And I think that lots of us will have to share more with others even the little we do have. We really will have to start caring so much more about each other in these tougher times. I hope that each of us does what they can when they can to be helpful and supportive to one another. Even just extra kind looks and gentleness to others can make a big difference. And make sure you always vote, too.


Anonymous said...

There’s a newer efficient oil B5 blend. It produces NO greenhouse gases, reduces emissions and it costs about the same as regular oil. Working for NORA, I have seen many people struggle between heating alternatives, I believe this one is here to stay. Here’s a site with more info:

namesconnie said...

Thanks Jay for that link. I think it is a great idea.