Monday, June 2, 2008

We Will Not Lose Hope - Poem by me

We will not lose hope
One day all will have freedom
All will live in peace
Experience love
And share the beauty
Of warmth and sunshine.

We can walk in sunshine
Holding on to our hope
Noticing all the beauty
Feeling all the freedom
When we walk in love
With the idea of peace.

There can be peace
If we trade darkness for sunshine
Trade hate for love
Trade defeatism for hope
Trade bondage for freedom
To enjoy a world full of beauty.

If we look we will find the beauty
If we look we will find the peace
If we look we will find the freedom
If we look we will find the sunshine
If we look we will find the hope
If we look we will find the love.

Then share the love
Share the beauty
Share the hope
For this world to be full of peace
By us all living in the sunshine
For a new world full of freedom.

Let us all feel the freedom
By learning to love
Each other like we love sunshine
And seeing each others beauty
Together we will have peace
If we hold onto hope.

To treasure our freedom and peace
To treasure our beauty and sunshine
Just don’t let go of love or let go of hope.