Saturday, June 14, 2008

Exercise in the 50's

Today I got a DVD called "Keeping fit in your 50's". I liked it because it was a good workout for someone my age. I actually fell asleep for a little nap afterwards, so I can see it was helpful. I don't even hurt either. I was trying to do those aerobic videos for younger people, but it was just too tough to keep up with so I got discouraged. Glad I got this one from the library. Hope I can renew it a few times. Will look into seeing if I can order one of them online.

I also like to ride my stationary exercise bike and my mountain bike. I like walking lots, too. I just have keep staying motivated and just do exercise daily like I would do any other daily routine like showering. Now that the nicer weather is upon us, I hope to get out on more walks with my camera.