Sunday, June 15, 2008

Today - Curtains made

I made a curtain for my son's room. I bought one at the thrift store and modified it to fit his window (It had some old time pleats at the top that I just cut off and then I sewed the top of it with a little hem to fit over the curtain rod). Hate to say it, but there was a sheet tacked up there before and my theory was "anything" I make would be better than a sheet tacked up there! At first I didn't think my son liked it, but later he said it was fine. These curtains were heavy and have a nice liner on them. They will be great in the winter and plus my son likes it dark in his room to do computer stuff and games.

I also bought another curtain rod and fixed his other curtains in his room. They actually were just kind of tacked up there, as well. I am glad it looks better in there now for him. He did a great job on cleaning his room, so I thought I would help with the curtains.


Kathleen said...

Hi Connie,

Thanks for visiting my site.

I am now tagging you with a questionnaire so we can get to know you a little better. You can find the questions on my first posting on Sunday, June 15, 2008,

I've been camping in Fort Bragg many times. I do miss Northern California. I'll put a link to your site on mine.

namesconnie said...

Where were you ten years ago? Here.

Five items on your to do list today? Sunday is a slow day, but here goes: Watch a movie, pet my cats, answer emails, listen to music and finish laundry

Snacks I enjoy? Fuji Apples with peanut butter, Rice cakes and Vegetarian cheese with green olives on the side, Those Big Bavarian Pretzels and some types of granola energy bars like Clif Bars

What would you do if you were a billionaire? I would buy a house for myself with three houses on the property, one for each of my two kids and one as a guest house for friends. I would open a thrift store and put low prices on things for people and donate part of the money to the domestic violence center in town. I would like to run a safe home for abused women and their kids and hire good help to run it and to help the women get their own nice places. I would find some property and fix it up nice for homeless people to live in. I would hire a good staff to oversee that things stay fine. I would hire workers to help homeless people get on their feet and find their own places. I would make sure the homeless people lived in dignified conditions and were treated with respect. I would find some kind of work that wasn’t too tough that homeless people could do to earn some good money for themselves as well.

Places I would live? Here.

5 Bloggers I’m passing the challenge onto: I am new to blogging, so I am not sure about this one, sorry.