Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Yul Brynner - Don't Smoke

I smoked cigarettes for 28 years. I am so glad that on Jan 10th I had 9 years without a cigarette. I would love to have never smoked myself. I had so many health problems due to my smoking. I am so grateful I finally got medical help to stop. I used something called Wellbutrin for 7 months to stop. It really helped me to not have such a tough time with the cravings. The reason: When a person puffs on a cigarette it saturates an area of your brain and you get satisfied. So when you give up smoking, you miss that. But the Wellbutrin goes to that exact area of your brain that the cigarette did and saturates that same area so your cravings are not strong at all. I am so glad it helped me to quit. Zyban is another name for Wellbutrin. So if you know someone who wants to give it a try, or yourself, try it. It is worth it to no longer have to sleep propped up because of a smokers cough. Too bad smoking takes away so many lives. My mom died due to her smoking and so did my mother-in-law. I am sure most people know someone whose life has been cut short due to cigarettes. And now they are what $5.00 a pack? Maybe the high cost of them is something that got me to quit as well. Anyhow, like Yul says "Don't Smoke." Get help to quit. Once you want to quit, the help will be available to you. And my nickname used to be "Smokey Joe" and if I can quit, anyone can.