Thursday, July 3, 2008

More Diary Of Getting Ready For The Yard Sale

What did I do today? I still sorted through some things for the yard sale. I got some nice hangers and hung up the yard sale clothing. I took down the clothesline in the back and have it ready to put out front to hang clothes on. I sorted through everything and put 25 cent things in one box, 50 cent stuff in another and so on. I am lucky I gave myself 3 weeks to get this sale ready as it really is a lot of work. I was happy to find a few things when I was going through boxes that I had wanted, so that was nice. Plus it was nice to really organize things much better in my home than they were. I hope that I get lots of people here as I do have some good bargains. I have lots of things for kids at the sale and I remember back when my kids were little how much I loved getting cute little bargains for them at yard sales. They had fun shopping with me at yard sales too and got themselves some good deals. So I am glad I priced things low for people, too. Well, that is my day so far. I will be happy to try to just relax for the rest of the evening. Oh, I will have to ride my exercise bike, but will wait a bit before I do that.


Anonymous said...

You have quite a lot of things to The Yard Sale. Good luck :-D

Bette Midler is just great...

namesconnie said...

I was so happy to be able to not bring all these things back in the house. We sold some and gave the rest to the thrift store. All and all, this yard sale went well. Feels good to not have as many things around we just don't need and nice we got to give out good bargains to people on things as well.