Friday, September 26, 2008

Cats Indoors Today

I had to keep my cats indoors today (due to some re-paving of our street and roadwork) and they put up such a fit by meowing and hissing. But now they are both fine as they can go out now and both stayed out for about 5 hours afterward, LOL, before coming back. They have been indoor/outdoor cats both for about 8 to 9 years now, so there is no turning back to convert them to indoor cats and they both sure let us know today! Whew, I am so glad this day is over with and it is peaceful now.


soulbrush said...

i know nothing about cats, but far prefer dogs, my snuffles stays with me all day and only goes out to pee and have a look round the i'm a 'doggie' person.

Anonymous said...

hope your experiment will end successfully ) good luck and kisss to cats )