Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mom's Sayings For Better Or For Worse

With friends like these, who needs enemies.
Life's too short so why should you aggravate yourself.
There's plenty of fish in the sea.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
To each his own.
If I ever get that messed up, shoot me will ya'?
Quit running around like a chicken with their head cut off.
I don't want to hear another peep out of you. (Of course we said "peep" silently and she would start laughing sometimes and other times you knew not to say "peep" by the way she looked at you.)
If looks could kill.
Waste not want not.
Oh just pick it up and dust it off. You can still eat it. You have to eat a peck of dirt before you die anyhow.
That fruit is still good, just cut off the bad part.
You can do it. You are my daughter aren't you? You can do anything you put your mind to.
Don't go worrying your pretty little head about it.
This is my beautiful daughter. (As if that was my only worth?)
Marry well honey. If that is all you do in life you will have it made. (LOL, on that one.)

So what are some your Mom's sayings? (for better or for worse)