Well, since our refrigerator died, we are using this little dorm sized one. You can see our dirty old one in the background. I didn't bother cleaning it up since it is just going to be hauled away soon. That refrigerator kept food in it from around 1993 to present. That is a lot of years. I give that refrigerator lots of credit for hanging in there through all my kids growing up years. Now we are using this little shrunken refrigerator. No more big pots of food cooking here. I can't wait for the new refrigerator to arrive. Oh and by the way, the prompt today for a creative undertaking was "Shrink" at http://www.inspiremethursday.com/
Ode to a Refrigerator
My refrigerator has shrunk
Just a little dorm sized one now
I am waiting for the new refrigerator to arrive
We will manage to survive this somehow.
We miss our big cooked meals
That we could have for a few days
We miss some frozen things
We miss our big fridge in lots of ways.
No more frozen fast meals
No more stocking up on lots of things
But with life there are problems
Like losing the joy a big refrigerator brings.
We used to go grocery shopping
Our cart full to the brim
But now all we do is buy little things
This situation is getting grim.
Can't wait for the new refrigerator to arrive
Not sure what day that will be
So I will still keep hanging in there
With this shrunken refrigerator baby.
I am trying to be grateful
I at least have this shrunken one
But I have to admit
There is nothing like a big fridge when the day is done.
This would have to be the first poem I have read about a refrigerator! Absolutely delightful! It is going out in style!
How difficult to live with that tiny thing! Cute poem.
That's a very cute poem! Very creative entry for the shrink theme :-).
I just viewed your slideshow: how lucky you are to be surrounded by those wonderful animals....
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