Saturday, August 16, 2008

Some and Others - Poem by me

The prompt from Inspire me Thursday - was Opposites. And this is what came to my mind this evening:

Some and Others

Some wait in the food bank line,
Others shop at gourmet food stores.
Some take any free handouts at Christmas,
Others order gifts online from Tiffany’s.
Some drive fancy SUV’s,
Others walk in the stormy weather with an umbrella.
Some are one paycheck away from homelessness,
Others own more than one home.
Some wear ragged clothes,
Others shop at Bloomingdales.
Some can travel to many different lands,
Others are lucky to be able to make it across town.
Some are just barely surviving,
Others are surrounded with more than enough.
And they say all men are created equal?
I don’t think so, do you?


carla said...

Very true observations. There are so many opposites in the way people live.


namesconnie said...

Yes, Carla. I am sure this poem could go on and on and on. I guess as long as we are happy wherever we are, that is what counts the most.