Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Here's to some great Fort Bragg Firemen!

There was a house this evening with smoke coming up from the rooftop which I presume was the attic area. I heard the sounds of firetrucks outside, so I took a look out to see what was going on. I saw at least 10 firemen on the scene, but I am sure there were more. The firemen were all working together and they got the fire out in no time flat and from what I saw it looked like no one was hurt. The firemen worked in an intelligent and precise manner. We can be very proud of all our Fort Bragg firemen. Thanks Fort Bragg firemen for all the hard work you do.

And a side note. When I first moved here I didn't know how to use the wood burning stove and didn't vent it properly. So my home filled up with smoke and I called the fire dept. They came to my home right away, showed me how to to vent the stove and even gave me some free smoke alarms. I was embarrassed about my mistake, but they reassured me I wasn't the "first" to make that mistake and I probably won't be the last. I didn't feel as bad after that.

And again, one more thing, at the holiday time, the firemen also walk around and give out candy canes all around streets in the Fort Bragg city area. It is very nice and they even have Santa waving hello from atop of a fire engine to all the excited kids and adults alike. The firemen walk along the truck and collect food cans from people for the Food Bank. (Also, when my kids were little, the schools took them for a nice tour of the fire station and learned lots about fire safety which was great, too.)

I am sure I could go on and on and others could add to the list their gratitude's for our firemen, but I just wanted to write this post in appreciation of our Fort Bragg Firemen.

And here is a poem I wrote that I posted a year ago at my blog, but thought I would post it again:

Pray For Firefighters

They are out fighting fires
That’s why they are not home
But please don’t worry
They are not alone.

There are many of them
Volunteering their time
To help save the forest
Your house or mine.

It could be your neighbor
A woman or a man
Who helps to protect us
Doing all that they can.

Let’s all help keep them safe
With prayers from our hearts
Asking for protection for them all
From each fire that starts.

Keep praying the firefighter
Comes back from each call
Unharmed and feeling proud
They protected us all.