Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Night Owl Post

Hi all who stumble upon my blog. I am up late and I see it will be 2009 very soon. I heard we are adjusting the time by a second. You will have to wait one second longer at midnight on New Years Eve for it to be officially 2009. You can read about it at this link:

What else am I thinking of at this hour? I am happy I can sleep in, yay! I am glad I got my grocery shopping done for a few days as I take the bus or ride my bike and it has been rainy. Luckily I got out there between raindrops. :-) I have had a pretty relaxing day. I just lounged on the couch this evening and watched a show called "Intervention" and I was so glad I am not having a problem with drugs/alcohol after watching that show. It is sad what the families go through that have loved ones addicted to drugs/alcohol.

Well, I went shopping the other day. I got the most ugly clothes come to find out. I thought at first they were nice, but when I looked again, I really don't like them at all. Looks like they will go in a bag for the thrift store (well, that is where I bought them, LOL, so no great loss. Plus I bought them on half-off day to boot. Good thing as I really am disappointed. I looked at the clothes today and said to myself "What was I thinking?")

Other than those thoughts, my last thought of the evening is taking down all the Christmas decorations. That will be a big job. I hope to take them down carefully though and pack them away nicely for next year. I do love the cheeriness of the decorations. I have collected lots of them over the years. So I will miss them.

I did see some Christmas clearance items today at Safeway. And right by them were Valentine's Day things including Valentines Day Barbies. The holidays just keep rolling right along don't they? Well, Happy New Year 2009 to all. Now I must get some sleep. :-)