Tuesday, June 29, 2010

No Sugar Vegan Candy Roasted Pecans


Okay, so I saw that most of the candied pecans needed egg whites, but since I don't eat eggs or sugar, I found this way to make them.

INGREDIENTS: Some Raw Pecans, Agave Nectar Syrup, Canola Oil, Cinnamon and Salt.

First I took a couple big handfuls of raw pecans. Put them in a bowl and then added a couple teaspoons of oil and a couple teaspoons of Agave Nectar Syrup. I tossed them and added some salt and cinnamon. I greased a cookie sheet a little and then I placed them one by one about an inch away from each other on the cookie sheet. I cooked them for 6 minutes at 375 degrees. Then I turned them over and cooked them for another 4 minutes. They turned out really good. Now you may want to vary the times cooking these and keep an eye on them as they can burn quickly. They cook very fast and the little pieces tend to get burned, so best not to put any broken pieces in there. One other thing, for extra fun in taking care of your sweet tooth, mix a little oil, agave nectar syrup, cinnamon and salt in a bowl and dip one half of the toasted pecans in that. Delicious. Bon Appetite! Warning: Not a "diet" food, but plenty of nutrients are in Pecans to take away any guilt. And only cook a little bit at a time as they are guaranteed not to last! And if you only cook a little, you won’t have to worry about eating lots. Smile.
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Victor Eremita said...

Agave syrup is sugar...