Friday, June 25, 2010

Hands Across The Sand Tomorrow


Tomorrow June 26th will be an event at Pudding Creek called "Hands Across The Sand". We are asked to gather there at 11 am and enjoy the beach. Then from 12 to 12:15 we will join hands in bringing awareness about the environment and speaking up about no offshore oil drilling and finding alternative ways to live that are better for the environment. Here is a link to the website:
Would be great if we all can either walk or bike to Pudding Creek beach, too. Just would look funny going there protesting the oil drilling and lots of people pulling up in big old SUV's. Well, I don't own a car, so guess I can say that freely enough. Anyway, hope some of you can be there or be at your local beach if you live near one. Take care all.
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mendo_momma said...