Monday, June 23, 2008

This Is How Much My Cat Likes To Be Filmed

My cat appears to be so innocent most of the time, but don't get her mad or she just might take a whack at you. :-)


namesconnie said...

Hi there, I have two cats. I just take different poses of them and put them on my site or little videos of them. Glad you have a cat, too. She sounds neat. I love the talkative cats. Both of mine are talkative as well. I think cats are great. I have loved cats since I was a little kid.

Anonymous said...

Love the video - She's so cute!!! And too funny!

namesconnie said...

Thanks Emily. This cat really is a friendly and playful cat. She had three little kittens in my sons closet. She used to be the neighbors cat then, but when I told the neighbor lady about her cat having kittens in my sons closet she said this about her cat,"Oh you can have her, she seems to like you guys more than us." LOL This cat was a good mom to her kittens, too. My kids wanted to keep all the kittens, but of course we couldn't. I did find good homes for them. As friendly as this cat is, she still is a great mouser too. I knew there was a mouse in the kitchen area and was just waiting for my cats to get it. All of sudden I heard all this noise in the kitchen and meows. And soon quiet. I tiptoed in there and there was the mouse gone to mouse heaven and deposited in the cats dish. Guess she was going to have it for a snack for later. :-) I love cats.