Friday, June 6, 2008

Reminiscing on TV Shows and Junk Foods

Today I am thinking about my childhood TV shows I watched. Let’s see if I can remember them. I watched “The Jetson’s, The Flintstone’s, The Ruff and Reddy Show, Tom and Jerry, Felix The Cat, Casper, The Captain Kangaroo Show and The Hobo Kelly Show. I was actually in the studio audience of The Ruff and Reddy Show. I won different things just for being an audience member like Bosco Chocolate Syrup, Some kinds of candy’s and other odds and ends that were most likely made out of sugar.. It was fun. We sure were sugar addicts as kids. Fizzie’s were one of my favorite and we would let them fizz in our mouths instead of the water to make the drink. Loved Double Bubble Bubble Gum and I ate so much junk food as a kid. I remember one of my favorite things was to buy a coke, doritos and a three musketeers bar and have that for lunch. I was lucky that I was active and didn't gain weight back then. Today it is different. I have to really watch what I eat. Glad I'm not into the junk foods today and like getting exercise and eating right.