Sunday, April 14, 2013

Glass Beach Today with help of Computer Editing :-)

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Josh Dollins said...

hey connie love your blog my family has been visiting fort bragg since I was a kid. I'm looking to move to the area this summer and was wondering if you had any tips? I have no idea for instance what utilities are like and jobs just what I can see online.

namesconnie said...

Hi Josh, There is something called the MCN listserve. Go to and scroll down to listserve. You can join the announce list and announce you are looking for a job or place to live. Perhaps someone could alert you to something not online. Lots of rents are 1,000.00 and up for a house. Utilities on an average size house run about 113.00 a month for water, 73.00 a month for PGE, 30.00 for trash. Hope that helps. Sincerely, Connie