Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Great Spirits

I am in great spirits today. I am focusing on all the good that is in my life. There is plenty of it. To feel more serene, I have stopped watching the news on TV. I may glance at the headlines just to get an "idea" of what is going on, but I don't watch it so much like I used to. It is a welcome break.

I am going to be happy that I am feeling in great spirits today. I think when we truly take the time to notice all the good in our lives we can feel much better about things. I remember a time I was down and out. I was hanging my head low on a bus stop bench on one of my long bus journeys across country. I guess I looked bedraggled and a man said to me, "Here is $20.00. Get yourself something to eat." I turned to him and said, "Are you serious?" and he said, "Yes, I can see you can use a little help. Just help someone else out some day is all I ask." So even in my down and out time, I got cheered up that day. I hope to keep seeing the good that there is all around me. Take care all.