Friday, November 21, 2008

Nature Break

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." - Albert Einstein quote

Today I took photos of city stuff, but it is fun to actually be aware of nature all around me. Today I heard this Raven going on and on about something. I looked up and there he was perched so dignified. He really had as they say "a birds eye view". I love nature to help me just be in better spirits. Every time I see a bird, a butterfly, or if I am lucky the deer and the raccoons, it just helps to calm me. Today's prompt from Inspire Me Thursday was to take an Albert Einstein quote and get creative with it. So after my walk today with my camera, I felt this photo fit the above quote.


soulbrush said...

there are so many interesting posts this week.

s.l.greek said...

i agree, your image agrees with the quote. it's amazing what's out there when we take the time to look at nature. lovely photo.