Friday, June 25, 2010

Today's Interesting Speaker I Heard - Jon Turk

Today I went to the Redwood Coast Senior Center in Fort Bragg and heard a talk by Jon Turk. I was fascinated with his storytelling about his adventures. His meeting up with a Shaman woman in Siberia and being healed of a physical injury was very interesting as well. His talk was one I will remember for a long time. He is a lively, intelligent, spiritual and humorous man. He had lots of inspiring things to share with us about the environment and getting more in touch with the earth, life, solitude and bringing magic back into our lives as well. His latest book out is called "The Raven's Gift" available at his website at:

I noticed other books with that title online if you go to purchase it elsewhere, so look for the one by Jon Turk. I was happy I could shake his hand and thank him for his wonderful presentation of his journeys which included miles and miles of traveling in a kayak to Siberia no less! I can't wait to read his book which I will be doing shortly.